Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Spiderman 3


I am not a comic book reader, so I have no idea how well this translated from (comic) book to screen. What I do know is that Spiderman 3 is a halfway decent film ruined by having about a bazillion (give or take a few) sub plots that could make a whole other film!

Here's a short list of the plots:
Spiderman turning "evil"
Peter's stormy friendship with Harry from the first film.
Peter and Mary-Jane breaking up
Peter becoming somehwat of a man whore
Peter's rival at work becoming Venom (even though they never refer to him by that name)
Some gooey stuff crashing conveniently by Peter/Spiderman.
Fonzie jumping over a shark with his motorcycle.

I'm sure I've missed a few, but you get the idea. This could work if even screentime was given to each plot, but instead we get 20 minutes of Sandman, then 15 of emo Peter, then 30 of Topher Grace whining about how Spiderman ruined his life etc. etc. etc. Towards the end, Sandman reveals that he killed Peter's uncle because he needed money (I must have missed a WHOLE middle part there!).

In short, like the Batman and Superman franchises before it, Spiderman is doomed to go the route of "2 good films, 2 subpar films, and possibly a restart" (i.e. Superman Returns, Batman Begins)
